Steevio has been involved in electronic music since he managed the UK’s first electro / breakdance club The Sidewalk in 1982 in Newcastle. It was the beginning of a love affair with machines that has only grown stronger with the passing years. His early electro experiments were surpassed throughout the 90’s when he became a live techno artist at clubs and free parties in the UK releasing dozens of records under various aliases such as 3000003, Free Radicals and Mindtours, and managed several techno labels, culminating in the formation of the Mindtours label with Suzybee in 2000.
Always remaining stoutly underground, with the focused intention of producing original live electronic music on hardware, in 2005 he returned to his former interest in organising events and created the first Freerotation Festival with Suzybee in Wales. Freerotation has grown from a small party for friends and like-minded musicians into the highly-regarded and much-loved international event it is today.
Freerotation has furnished Steevio with the perfect platform to showcase his live hardware performances, but everything moved up a gear in 2009 when he built a dedicated modular synthesizer as an improvisational instrument on which to make jazz infused, freeform electronic music, and from 2010 he began performing live on his new set-up at Freerotation.
For over 10 years now Steevio has performed live with his artist / animator / VJ partner Suzybee as Steevio & Suzybee (Live AV)
Recently Steevio has embarked on several projects with other live artists, The High-on-Wye Quintet with Move D, Soulphiction and Juju & Jordash, and Circle of Live with Sebastian Mullaert, Mathew Jonson, Johanna Knutsson and Dorisburg, and more recently the Circle of Live has expanded to include such diverse artists as Amp Fiddler, Peter Van Hoesen, Frank Wiedermann, Steffi, Vril, Tobias and more.
http://www.freerotation.com/freerotation-resident-bookings/ – for bookings
https://inbloom.circleof.live/courses/steevio-one-on-one – mentoring