Clock Poets became an idea in 2014, after a series of Jams, while trying to break with the standards, recording long takes, avoiding the horrible copy paste feeling that was flooding the deep and tech house music in digital releases. It was exactly those ideas that connected Javi and Marco one random day for the first time after closing a deal on a Juno 106. Javi was playing in Ibiza and even though he had a busy schedule and had played in many countries all over the world, he still felt the need for a step up and taking the synths on stage felt like an inspiring challenge. On the other hand, Marco had almost completely stopped all local gigs, he quit teaching ableton and other mixing services and was ready to focus on a new label and a whole new project.
Curiously, the first time they actually saw each other in person they had to rush to prepare a working setup to play with two hours later on stage. The performance felt as if they had been doing it for years.
Their live shows are unique in the sense that it would be impossible to repeat the same set twice, the improvisation is absolute. The vibe and the public play an important role on the outcome of the music from the machines. Their music at the live shows could be defined as a flux of electronic music that sounds very alive, it is linear in its core but sporadic and full of happy accidents that no one, not even themselves could expect.
Clock Poets it’s also the name of their imprint, the label hosts releases of their most influential artists such as Steevio, Atoll, Andrea Ferlin, Topper just to name a few. They also hold their own label nights which usually consists of one special guest plus a three hour Clock Poets Live. Their most recent gigs include Club der Visionaere (Berlin), Goldroom (Beirut), Selva Club (Mallorca), Bridge 48 (Bcn), Macarena Club (Bcn), Check Point (Bcn), Garage 442 (Bcn), D59 (Berlin), Umi (Brussels)